Monday, March 15, 2010

BABY SHOWER & 35 weeks.

My wonderful visiting teachers and companion our throwing me a baby shower on March 27th. If you live here in Arizona and would like to come...let me know and I can give you all the details.
I am doing great!! Baby is getting big and I am starting to get the "I'M DONE" feeling. I have my 36 week appointment coming up next week here at my home, which will be great because I won't have to drive an hour to Mesa. And than I am officially exciting. I have ordered my birth kit and the birthing tub, so you can come any time now Carter.

Jason has been very busy with work lately, so I've been just a little sad being here all by myself everyday, all day. It's hard but I appreciate everything he does for our little family.
I can't wait to have family down here this week to keep me busy. My 3 brothers are coming down to spend spring break here. It'll be fun!

1 comment:

Audra said...

Would love to come! Send me the details via email.

Congrats on the water birth. My 3rd was that way and my 4th was hypnobirthing. SO relaxing and I loved it. Good luck to you and Carter!

Take care and know the end will come soon!